Health & Fitness

3 Yummy Ways To Stay Hydrated

If you are like me, staying hydrated is one of the most tedious chores. Drinking plain water after workouts is not a problem for me, however, sipping on plain water throughout the day is. To stay properly hydrated, you must consistently fill your body with the water it needs at a steady pace. Waiting until the end of the day or right after a workout to drink all of your daily water will not help your body. In fact, drinking an excess amount of water before bed is bad for your health. In light of this, I realized I struggle with pacing myself. Hopefully, I’m not alone!

In this blog post, I have included some yummy ways I have found to keep myself hydrated (especially on these sweltering hot Alabama days). Please know that I am not a nutritionist-just a girl sharing her ideas with the world!

While these methods work for me, they might not work for the next person. Pay attention to your body, because it tends to communicate very well. That being said, I hope this helps you!

1. Lemon Slices & Stevia

This option is my personal favorite! In the morning before even eating a meal, I love to make myself a large pitcher of iced water and add lemon slices. All natural bottled lemon juice works, as well! Then, I stir in a packet of Stevia to add a little natural sweetness. This is my own version of lemonade! The best part is that the lemon works as an aid to weight loss, healthy skin, and Vitamin C deficiency.


2. Drink Mix

Most grocery stores nowadays have a version of “drink mixes.” Some have vitamins, some promote energy, etc. The options are really endless. Be aware, though, that these mixes often contain some sugar and/or sugar substitute, depending on the brand. My favorite drink mix comes in a liquid form at Aldi, and you simply pour it into your water and stir. Orange/Mango is my favorite flavor! I typically squirt one-half teaspoon of mix per each 32 oz. of water. This keeps me from having too much!

3. Frozen Fruit Cubes

Who doesn’t love frozen fruit?! For those of you who love Starbucks’ Refreshers, this is kind of the same concept. I gather my fruits of choice (usually strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries), and use my Ninja to puree the fruit into a smooth blend. A normal blender also works! Once the fruit is well-blended, pour the blend into ice cube trays. Fill the cube trays each halfway evenly. Next, pour water over the blend to fill to the top of the cubes. Freeze the cubes for a quick, fruity treat that works well with any glass of water!


As mentioned above, everyone’s body is different. These are just some simple ideas which I use to keep my water intake from being so “boring.” I also use some of these tips to help reach my daily servings of fruit. Try it out-you might like it!


