I hate those stupid flashbacks. You know what I’m talking about. Literally every social media site nowadays has their own version-Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.
“Hey! Here’s a picture of you from five years ago!”
Behold, a tanned, long-haired, much skinnier version of myself who obviously never missed leg day and always had perfectly manicured nails.
The physical aspect is just one facet of my hatred. You see, pictures have a way of capturing the “fake.” The fake smile, fake laugh, fake reality. The truth is I could have been dying inside but I still would have
It’s easy to look at those pictures and feel vulnerable to my current situation. My bulging belly, developing stretch marks, and daily backaches make my slowly-passing days seem less than picturesque. I long to be “that skinny again,” or “that organized again.” But are we ever really content in our current situation? I’m pretty sure if I could sit down with myself from five years ago I would learn that my situation then was also far from my version of ideal.
Because of this, I am learning to embrace the flashbacks. Who were you created to be but YOU? You are you no matter the season of life. No matter the stretch marks or skinny legs, Keto diet or Big Mac, organized or scattered, makeup on or makeup long gone, it doesn’t change who you are or who you were called to be! There is something so beautiful for us as women when we embrace our ordinary, mundane selves because it is in those moments we realize God has created us to be anything but ordinary.
My favorite passage of scripture is Ecclesiastes 3, simply because of these words:
“There is a time for everything, and everything on earth has its special season…He does everything just right and on time.”
-Ecclesiastes 3:1,11
I challenge you to view the flashbacks. Don’t just view them, but pour over them as if your life depends on it. Smile at the happy memories and cry with the sad ones. Better yet, allow yourself the freedom and confidence to post even more new memories that you can one day look back on. Life is a process, my friends. Just be YOU.